This is a collection of posters announcing museum or art gallery exhibits held in Tehran between 1977-1978. Ranging from Chinese shadow theater to the "Art of Black Africa," many of the shows featured foreign talents that had been brought to Iran.
“I don’t know the name of the person or even what industry they were in, though I’m assuming oil. I walked into the office of a home where an estate sale was being held, and among all the typical West Texas [Lubbock] home accessories were about 24 framed exhibit posters, hung all around the office and stacked against the wall. I knew immediately they were Iranian and soon found the word 'Tehran' and immediately started grabbing them for my pile, though there was no need to rush as I was the only person buying that day who was even remotely interested in them. The estate planners said, 'I don’t know what those say but I figured someone would want them, I guess I found the right person!' And I said something like 'Yes sir you have no idea.' Once I secured my pile I scoured the rest of the house but these were the only Iranian items to be found. It’s a mystery why this homeowner had collected so many of them!" - Iylana Nassiri, contributor.
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